We bagelfolk at Einstein's wear black t-shirts with little sayings emblazoned on them like, "Happiness is a warm bagel," or "Donuts, shmonuts--Eat a bagel." I am thoroughly on board with this.
Ah, but what about life beyond lunch, you may ask? Well, it's just ducky. I am grateful for every moment. The week after spring break--which was lovely, spent in Newberg mostly--was an intense round of papers to finish and turn in, and papers received back from professors with results ranging from disappointing (but not surprising) to very pleasing. My poetry prof wants to use my craft analysis of B.H. Fairchild's "The Himalayas" as an example for future classes. :)
Yesterday in our window of sunny weather, Ben and I got his Miata out of hibernation--took off the cover, pulled the top down, wiped off the mildew, gassed her up, opened up the throttle, burned out the gunk and blew out the cobwebs. Sunglasses and bill caps. It was a blast.
Three years ago with the Miata in Yachats, Oregon coast. |
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